速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / American King James - AKJV Bible Offline

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Delft The Netherlands

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline(圖1)-速報App

Reading the Word of God is vital and basic to our daily Christian walk. It is the food for our soul and the shield that protects and guards our mind and heart against the works of the flesh and of the devil. God’s Word is the Father’s love letter to all His children revealing His promises, His will and the keys to the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, it is very important that as Christians, we should read God’s Word daily and meditate on it day and night and AKJV App bible is a must have on your cellphone or gadget.

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline(圖2)-速報App

The American King James Version (AKJV) of the Bible is one of the versions that you should acquire on your gadget for God’s Word daily. Created by Stone Engelbrite, the AKJV is based on the original King James Version which was revisited and updated for its spelling and vocabulary. But the grammars and doctrine remains the same.

Some of the features of the AKJV Bible App include:

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline(圖3)-速報App

• A user friendly interface which is easy to select and find Old and New Testament books, chapters and verses. There are also options for full-screen and night mode. You can select full screen for easy reading and night mode which is best to use when reading the Scriptures during night time.

• AKJV app also includes daily bible verses to encourage and feed you of God’s Word. You can also opt to share the bible verse for the day to share the Word of God to your family and friends in Facebook, Gmail, Message Text, etc.

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline(圖4)-速報App

• There are also Topical bible verses for you to easily find Scriptures pertaining to the topic you desire to know such as Hope, Love, Peace, Praise, Adversity, Comfort, Time, and more.

• You can also organize your study of God’s Word through bookmarks, notes and highlights. You can see all the list of your notes, highlighted and bookmarked Scriptures in separate categories which makes it easier for you to back track your selected Scriptures.

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline(圖5)-速報App

• You also don’t need to worry about your app settings, notes, highlighted and bookmarked Scriptures, because the AKJV App has the option to create a back-up file of your data in your phone or SD card memory.

Moreover, the AKJV Bible App can also be optimized on bigger screen resolution which is beneficial for those who want to read on bigger screen.

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline(圖6)-速報App

Download the AKJV Bible App now and be filled with the Holy Spirit through the Word of God daily.

American King James - AKJV Bible Offline(圖7)-速報App